We have made the decision – or rather I have finally given in. Having just spent 2 weeks in Spain in gorgeous weather with most of the family, I have agreed that when we return to the UK the house will go on the market and the move will go ahead.
I don’t dislike my job, I love my house, and I will miss my son and dad enourmously. But hey – it is looking as if Covid maybe receeding and they can come and visit as often as they like. A flight to Malaga can be picked up cheaply and they will have no accommodation costs.
I need a change, current life needs to be over, and a new one started. Money will be tight but we will manage. #Brexit will cause issues, but we will get there.
The planned move is for my partner and I, and our best friends – 2 couples living happily ever after. People have said will we get on – yes we will have ups and downs but so does every extended family, and we are all level headed enough to weather any storms and enjoy the rest of the times.